Developed by the Ministry of Education (MEC), which provides texts, images, videos, audios that are free of copyright free of charge. In addition to books by authors from Brazilian and Portuguese literature, the system retrieves scientific publications from CAPES ‘theses and dissertations base.
Public – MEC
IBICT aims to contribute to increasing access to electronic documents that are of interest for the development of technical and scientific activities, as well as for other sectors important for the country’s economic and social development, such as education and the productive sector.
The portal, launched in 2008 by the Ministry of Education in partnership with the Ministry of Science and Technology, aims to support the training processes of Brazilian teachers and enrich their pedagogical practice. It is a public space and can be accessed by all interested parties.
Public – MEC
Technical – Pedagogical
The Virtual Library of Technological Innovation is the result of a joint action involving FINEP and the IBICT / CNPq Program. It brings together in a structured and selective way, Brazilian and foreign websites containing relevant information on technological innovation, in its multiple aspects
Developed by IBICT – Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology, it aims to integrate the information systems of theses and dissertations existing in the country, as well as to gradually make available for consultation or download, the national production of theses and dissertations.
Public – MEC