The courses offered by INEPPSIN are completely virtual, using distance education methods, realized by MEC, where the bibliographic acquis is virtual. In this way, INEPPSIN will make and keep available, according to institutional understanding, a virtual space with the whole available infrastructure for the whole academic community by the NDE definitions.

INEPPSIN sees as our library’s public all the enrolled students, Professors, tutors, monitors, and employees, besides the members of the outside community, as students, searchers, and others who could be interested, the ones who seek and need the material available by INEPPSIN, according to the internal rules.

INEPPSIN students’ access is automatic after the student enrolls. This way, as defined by the NDE, all bibliographies will already have their access guidelines defined and made available for the student to have their respective virtual access, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Professors, tutors, and technical-administrative staff will also have access to the entire list of virtual libraries used, upon admission.

All documents can be searched through a query terminal (microcomputer), in which users have access to the library database with a specific interface for this purpose.


According to the institutional understanding and the definitions of the NDE, which will review and update the entire bibliography of the semester curricular units every six months, thereby allowing for a constant updating of the Virtual Acquis, as well as directing the consultation of defined bibliographies.

INEPPSIN, in line with institutional interests and aiming at increasing the availability of virtual acquis to fully meet the needs of all its users, new partnerships will be signed, thus ensuring growth and continuous coverage.

National Libraries

Developed by the Ministry of Education (MEC), which provides texts, images, videos, audios that are free of copyright free of charge. In addition to books by authors from Brazilian and Portuguese literature, the system retrieves scientific publications from CAPES ‘theses and dissertations base.

Public – MEC

IBICT aims to contribute to increasing access to electronic documents that are of interest for the development of technical and scientific activities, as well as for other sectors important for the country’s economic and social development, such as education and the productive sector.



The portal, launched in 2008 by the Ministry of Education in partnership with the Ministry of Science and Technology, aims to support the training processes of Brazilian teachers and enrich their pedagogical practice. It is a public space and can be accessed by all interested parties.



Public – MEC
Technical – Pedagogical



The Virtual Library of Technological Innovation is the result of a joint action involving FINEP and the IBICT / CNPq Program. It brings together in a structured and selective way, Brazilian and foreign websites containing relevant information on technological innovation, in its multiple aspects




Developed by IBICT – Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology, it aims to integrate the information systems of theses and dissertations existing in the country, as well as to gradually make available for consultation or download, the national production of theses and dissertations.


Public – MEC


In the INEPpsin collection, our undergraduates will find everything they will need in class and content that goes even further so that they can expand their knowledge about the topics covered by the course, all chosen by the specialists concerning our courses.


Public – MEC
Didactic Material

It aims to facilitate access to information on theses and dissertations defended with graduate programs in the country. It does not give direct access to the text of the monographs, but only to information about them and the educational institution where they are deposited. But it turns out to be a hand in the wheel to find data on theses across the country. Developed by CAPES – Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel.



Public Theses



CAPES offers access to the full texts of selected articles from more than 15,475 international, national, and foreign journals, and 126 databases with summaries of documents in all areas of knowledge. It also includes a selection of important sources of academic information with free Internet access



Public Journals



The .periodicos Portal. CAPES offers access to the full texts of articles from more than 9095 international, national, and foreign journals, and to more than 90 databases with document summaries in all areas of knowledge. It also includes a selection of important sources of academic information with free internet access.






The base of theses and dissertations from USP (University of São Paulo), where the texts can be accessed in full text. It is noteworthy that not all the theses and dissertations defended in the USP units are contained in this bank, as it is being fed over time.






The portal, launched in 2008 by the Ministry of Education in partnership with the Ministry of Science and Technology, aims to support the training processes of Brazilian teachers and enrich their pedagogical practice. It is a public space and can be accessed by all interested parties.






It makes available full-text theses and dissertations produced by masters and doctoral students.




Digital Theses Acquis, dissertations, articles, books, and other published documents.




Digital availability of theses, dissertations, and academic texts.




Provides scientific literature; bibliographic bases on (breastfeeding, bioethics and diplomacy in health, infectious and parasitic diseases, professional education in health, history and cultural heritage of health, integrality in health, public health, Sergio Arouca, violence, and health); Public Health Theses and Dissertations; Fiocruz Theses; Bibliographic Collections (Aggeu Magalhães, Public Health, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Center for Studies on Occupational Health and Human Ecology, Latin American Center for Studies on Violence and Health Jorge Careli, Research Center René Rachou, Farmanguinhos, Gonçalo Moniz); Magazine Catalog (public health, Aggeu Magalhães, home of Oswaldo Cruz, Gonçalo Moniz).




Health – Scientific
Bibliographic Acquis



The Digital Library comprises 3 environments for managing the collection of bibliographic productions from FGV: Digital Repository, Scientific Journal Manager, Congress Manager








The Bibliographic Commutation Program (COMUT) created in 1980 by the Ministry of Education, allows academic and research communities access to documents in all areas of knowledge, through copies of articles from technical-scientific journals, theses, and annals of congresses, exclusively for academic and research purposes, strictly respecting the Copyright Law.






It is a cooperative network of information units located in Brazil with the objective of gathering, in a single national catalog of public access, the information on technical scientific periodicals gathered in hundreds of catalogs distributed in the different libraries of the country.



Health – Scientific
Bibliographic Collection


International Libraries


Free internet referential database covering the areas of Agrarian Sciences, Biological Sciences, and Environmental Sciences. It comprises the NAL Online Public Access Catalog, the National Agricultural Library catalog, and the Article Citation Database. Indexes books, periodicals, journal articles, book chapters, research reports, audiovisuals, and other publications. Includes documents published from the 15th century to the present. The highlight for the daily update.






It is the UK’s national library and one of the largest libraries in the world. With copies of each publication produced in the UK and Ireland itself. The collection includes more than 150 million articles, manuscripts, maps, newspapers, drawings, music scores, patents, and books.






Stimulation service for the use of academic journals on the Internet. It offers a fast, structured, and unified interface for accessing digital full-text articles.






Information system on scientific, technical and professional research journals, with an emphasis on scientific and cultural dissemination of production in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.






More than 1 million online free Books




See magazines, newspapers, and books completely free. In addition, the site allows you to search by year of publication, category, and author.






The World Digital Library offers unique cultural materials from libraries and archives around the world. The web page includes manuscripts, maps, books, films, and rare recordings, as well as prints and photographs. Provides public, free, and multilingual access.






It is an automated scientific digital library that focuses on publications in the area of Computer and Information Science



It aims to increase visibility and a friendly interface in the use of open access to scientific and academic journals, thus promoting its greater use and impact.




It is a public service organization and a learning/teaching environment at the University of Michigan School of information.



Educational Searching



The Library of Congress is the nation’s oldest federal cultural institution and serves as the research arm of Congress. It is also the largest library in the world, with millions of books, recordings, photographs, maps, and manuscripts in its collections.






It brings together books and documents that are in the public domain around the world. There, it is possible to find the original works of great names in world literature.




Check out the library at the University of Berkeley






Large library in Spanish with thousands of digital books and many sound books.






Digital library of images with captions, as well as texts, and other digital formats. Ideal for researchers who are looking for old images that have a safe source, an important requirement for academic work.






Reference database that aims to increase the visibility of scientific access of academic journals, allowing for increased circulation and impact.






It is a compilation of scientific articles published in Latin America.




Dictionary with English entries. Accompanies a thesaurus, a linguistic resource that allows knowing the theme linked to the searched word.





Scientific articles from around the world.


Scientific articles from around the world.
